Tuesday – 31th Update

Morning Everyone. I hope you are all well. A few items for you today.

Firstly, last night was the last evening meal the Chefs were doing at the main house. I know those of you who have been using them have been very appreciative.

There is still the possibility that they will be doing a Sunday Roast this coming weekend as a One Off. I will update you on this as soon as I know.

Update – The Sunday Roast is going ahead. Kindly book if you want it.

On a positive food note. Rachel will have her Pizza wagon up in front of the house this Thursday evening. The menu is attached. She needs your order by Wednesday tomorrow at the latest please. You can put your order in by text to her mobile number which is 07974480911. She will be cooking from 5-8pm. You will need to give your name, pitch number preferred time and order. She will send you back a time slot to pick it up. These will generally be around 5-10 mins apart, so you won’t need to queue up, for obvious reasons. If it is attended well enough, she is proposing to do it every Thursday or Friday evenings.

Can we please have back all the forms from everyone here on the Park, by the end of the week. We need to know exactly who is staying here and a simple reason why they cannot go back to their Primary residence.

We are still able to get gas deliveries here although limited to a certain extent as, Calor are now having to prioritise where gas is required. With this in mind we did a full Park check last Friday and hopefully everyone who needed gas has now had it delivered. We will now only be delivering gas on a Monday and Friday. So please keep a check on your bottles.

It is coming to our attention that some people are coming in on the Park without prior notification to us. This is an extremely serious and potentially very dangerous situation we are all involved in, so we would ask all of you to respect everybody’s health and safety here. If you know someone is coming in onto the Park for any reason other than for the bare essential reasons, please let us know in advance. Also don’t be frightened to question your neighbours or strangers you don’t recognise on the Park. You have every right too, for your own safety. We don’t want to be at the barrier stopping everyone from going about their business. But will do, if it comes to it.

A note on the barrier. We are generally leaving it up during the day so there is no need to be touching the key pad. Unfortunately last night the inward pad failed. If we can’t get it repaired today the barrier will have to remain up for the time being.


So far Dorset with a population of nearly 800,000 has had 80 cases and 8 deaths. So a very safe county to be in. Let’s keep it that way.

Bye for now and stay safe all of you.