Latest update – Sunday 20th December

Hello Everyone,


Well it’s all change again in the run up to Christmas. We will endeavour to keep the information as simple as possible as it only really applies to those of you on the 10 and 11 month season who might want to come to the Park between now and the 15th February. But as of last nights announcement with a new Tier 4 being introduced we have had updates from the BH&HPA which we are posting below.


So if you are in Tier 1 or 2 you may still visit your holiday home and return home.

If you are in Tier 3 it is advisable that you do not visit your holiday home. If you do we suggest you keep yourself to yourself in order to return home again.

If you are in Tier 4, you must not visit your holiday home under any circumstances or you will be asked to leave immediately. See below for the immediate guidance for Tier 4.

In all circumstances we strongly suggest that you don’t know visit your holiday home, but if you should over the coming time, make sure you drain it down on leaving on the assumption that it is unlikely you will be returning any time soon. We believe there will be a major lockdown immediately after Christmas.


Here is the information you need to know for Tier 4.


From today, a new tier 4 will apply covering:

  • South East, covering Kent, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Surrey (excluding Waverley), Gosport, Havant, Portsmouth, Rother and Hastings,
  • London (all 32 boroughs and the City)
  • East of England (Bedford, Central Bedford, Milton Keynes, Luton, Peterborough, Hertfordshire, Essex (excluding Colchester, Uttlesford and Tendring).


A stay-at-home order will be issued to residents in Tier 4, with those travelling to work or for education exempt. This will be law, meaning that people should not enter or leave tier 4 areas, and tier 4 residents must not stay overnight away from home.


Further Tier 4 details are published see below: which confirm ‘You cannot leave home for holidays or stays overnight away from your main home unless permitted by law. This means that holidays in the UK and abroad are not allowed. This includes staying in a second home or caravan…’


The restrictions will last for at least two weeks, with the first review due on 30 December.




New advice on travel is that everyone, in all tiers, should stay local.


Christmas rules outside Tier 4


The Christmas bubble relaxations (up to three households, outside Tier 4) will only apply on Christmas Day, rather than the previously announced 5-day period.


A Christmas bubble cannot include anyone from a Tier 4 area.


Travelling out of a tier 4 area

You must stay at home and not leave your Tier 4 area, other than for legally permitted reasons such as:

  • travel to work where you cannot work from home
  • travel to education and for caring responsibilities
  • visit those in your support bubble – or your childcare bubble for childcare
  • attend hospital, GP and other medical appointments or visits where you have had an accident or are concerned about your health

The full list of exceptions will be published in the Regulations.

Travelling to a tier 4 area from a tier 1, 2 or 3 area

You should not travel into a Tier 4 area from another part of the UK, other than for reasons such as:

  • travel to work where you cannot work from home
  • travel to education and for caring responsibilities
  • to visit those in your support bubble – or your childcare bubble for childcare
  • to attend hospital, GP and other medical appointments or visits where you have had an accident or are concerned about your health

You should continue to practise safe behaviours on public transport:

  • plan ahead, check for disruption before you leave, and avoid the busiest routes, as well as busy times
  • avoid making unnecessary stops during your journey
  • avoid sharing a car with people not in your household
  • keep your distance from other people when you travel, where possible
  • wash or sanitise your hands regularly


So there you have it.


We would just like to say a massive thankyou on behalf of all the staff here for the generous gifts you have given them and us in the run up to Christmas.

It is going to be a Christmas like no other this year, so please try and make the most of it.


Merry Christmas and a hopefully much better New Year to you all.

Kind Regards,

Philip and Fiona  Hammick.